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Medical Library
Ibrahim Y. Muhammad
Ag. Head, Medical Library
The Medical Library is the main information centre in the hospital and apart from medical books and journals. We also provide daily newspapers, magazines and novels for the recreational pursuit of our clienteles.
1. Mallan Adamu Ciroma 1979 -1994
2. Mallam Abubakar Mohammed 1994 – 2012
3. Mrs Lucy Obinor 2012 – 2017
The department plays the following roles in the hospital:-
- Serves as resource centre for research and training
- Aids the teaching and learning activities of the courses offered in the hospital schools
- Organizes and preserves information services of the hospital
- Also serves as information and relaxation centre for the staff and patients of the hospital.
The department has the following sections which are all functional
- Circulation section
- Reserve section
- Reference
- Serial section
- Binding section
- Automation section
In terms of materials especially books and journals, the library has a huge collection. The library has a total of 3,387 volumes of document
In addition, the journals forming the largest portion of the collection and also most current materials are over 5,000 volumes. However, the library has a few collections of non-medical books that include novels, magazine, leaflets, manual etc. also in relation to internet, the library has had over 500 soft copies of medical books coupled with a hundred non-medical soft copies.
The library subscribes to local and international journal intermittently.
The staff strength of the department 15
The usual opening hours is maintained as follows:
Monday – Friday 7:30 – 10:00pm
Saturday 8:00am – 1:00pm
However, the library is closed on Sunday and public holidays.
The membership of the Medical library is opened to the eligible members of staff, students of the hospital and student from the local community.
A new library (Post Basic Nursing Library) has been commissioned on the 18th January, 2016 in the PBONS, this, a number of staff was also employed into the department.
The hospital management purchased for the library a set of binding machine and some staff was trained on the art of binding in 2016. Similarly in the year 2018 over 150 soft copies of Medical text books were purchased for the library. This is in addition to the 4 in 1 photocopier machine accrued for the department in 2019.
Born in the year 1966, educated in kano, married with six (6) children.
The Medical Library has been the centre for management’s attention in terms of human resources development in other words, all staff of the hospital find solace from consulting the library and Librarian especially during promotion and examination. In addition to the conducive atmosphere, it provides during an after student’s examinations in and outside the hospital.
The Medical Library, serves as a major information centre that provides Medical Books, Journals, Newspapers & Magazines as well as Novels for recreational pursuits of its readers.
The Library is connected to internet.