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Mr. Ernest C. Ibekwe
Head, Pathology
The department is responsible for diagnostic and blood transfusion services. The department also carried out fumigation in the main theatre from time to time so as to enhance control of nosocomial infection. The Department also participates in the training of students from B.U.K. and school of Technology, Kano who often come to undertake their mandatory Industrial training.
The staff strength of the department during the year was twenty three (23) made up of twelve (12) Medical laboratory Scientists with the remaining being supporting staff. The Department had 5 Sections as stated below, with their functions.
- Microbiology: Isolation and identifying micro-organisms with a view to determining their range of sensitivity to antibiotics; serologic work to investigate patients' response to bacteriological infection.
- Haematology: Counting of cellular contents of blood, estimation of Haemoglobin and test of coagulation mechanism of blood.
- Blood Bank: Provision of blood for transfusion to patient; undertakes bleeding and grouping of blood donors, Screening for HIV and Hepatitis and maintenance of a well stocked blood bank.
- Histology: Prepares section of tissues to be examined by the Pathologist.
- Clinical Chemistry: this unit carries out biochemical analysis on blood and other biological fluids. Its functions include estimation of urea, electrolytes, liver functions, tests blood sugar estimation, bone chemistry and urinalysis.
- The department also provides services at Accident & Emergency (A&E) and outpatient department (OPD) respectively.
- This unit attends all emergence services 24 hours daily. Investigations like grouping and cross matching (G&CM) of blood, screening of donors for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis before the donors are bled.
- Other test carried out in A & E include the following: PVC, FBC, Widal, MP, FBS, Urinalysis, U?E etc.
- In this unit, Patients samples are collected for various investigations to be carried out at the main Laboratory.
Some Pathology Department Staff at work | |
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